A Simple Seeker Tries to Teach Spirit

A simple seeker decided it was time to teach
her spirit guru about life in the world of
physical reality.

There is no physical reality.

It looks pretty real to me.

It’s an illusion.

As in a dream;?

Yes and no.

Surely it is or it isn’t.


A dream.

It is and it isn’t.

How can that be.

It is as a dream in that you are not
directing it. But, the illusion of
so-called reality allows you to pretend
that you are directing it all.

But, I do make choices.

Yes, from available options that you are
aware of.

How could I possibly choose from options
that I wasn’t aware of?

It’s too late.

For what?

It’s too late for you to choose from options
that you might have, if you had been aware
of them when and while they were options.

Then, how can there be any meaning in life?

There is always meaning in life.

I mean, for me.

Why are you living?

I don’t know.


What does that mean?

It means that you have yet to choose a purpose.

How does one choose a purpose?

Which one?

This one, me.

Everyone chooses, every moment.


By living.

Is living itself a purpose.


Then, we all have the same purpose?


Everyone living.

Yes and no.

It only begins with living?


Please explain.

There was no beginning.

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